Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer Stresses

Sometimes in life, things just get a little too crazy. Your mind feels like it's going 200 mph in every direction. Your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest. You feel a knot in your stomach and a lump in your throat. These are just a few of the symptoms induced by my little friend Stress. Don't get me wrong, sometimes Stress helps me out. He pushes me to get projects done right before deadline, and finish homework the night before it's due, since let's be real, what student doesn't procrastinate? But, here's the thing. Stress and I have a love-hate relationship. And lately it's been more on the hate side. 

Being a college student doesn't make it any easier, so I needed to find an outlet to express my feelings, which is why I started this blog I guess. I just finished my sophomore year of undergrad, and ordinarily, summer is the time to kick back, relax, and recuperate before the start of another grueling college semester.

Unfortunately, I lack the luxury of a vacation. After getting only one week off from work to go home and visit my friends and family, I'm back in college town, back to work, back to school, back to Stress. My mini vacation was much needed but much short-lived, and now I need to figure out how I am going to get through the rest of this hectic summer.

First things first, I am a planner. I like to write down every detail of my day in my agenda, make endless to-do lists, plan out the next few years of my life, my goals, my classes, what to do when, when to take what. When I get it all down on paper, it somehow feels less intimidating, more manageable. I can sit back and breathe. A little. 

Over the last few weeks, I have come to the realization that I struggle with Stress and Anxiety. Alone, I can somehow manage one or the other, but when they both come at me together, is when things start to get a little trickier. 

I decided to start sharing some of my Adventures with Anxiety and my Skirmishes with Stress over the course of this summer, in the hopes that I can somehow help others who are dealing with these two crazies, or at least provide you with something to do once you're bored of opening and reopening everyone's Snapchat stories ;}

I guess this is as good a blog intro as any, so until next time...

Carpe Diem,


P.S- Just incase you were wondering why i sign off with "Carpe Diem", it's a Latin aphorism that means "Seize the day", and just something I like to tell myself to inspire me to not waste time. I wanna try to start doing at least one productive thing a day, because each day only comes around once ya know?

1 comment:

  1. Hey little miss Mary :) It's me K (Kevin). Remember me? I just stumbled across your blog by accident. Wow, you are even more talented and intelligent than I remember, and you seem to have found a wonderful place for expressionism. Very stimulating for the mind. Have you considered a career as a writer if the nurse/doctor thing doesn't work out? Just kidding, but I think it's pretty amazing to see the kind of person you have grown into almost 7 years ago now.....I feel old now :/
